ご寄付のお願い - Request for donation



サポートお願いリストにはamazon primeでは送料無料、そうでない場合は「初回のみ送料無料」と記載のあるものを選択しています。同じ物を2回以上ご支援いただける場合、送料がかかってしまう可能性がありますので、ご支援いただける場合には選択の際にご注意いただけますと幸いです。

わたしたち(合同会社くらしごと)は、「田代島 島のえき」を運営することを仕事にさせていただき、来島される方々のおもてなしを精一杯させていただきながら猫の幸せな暮らしに貢献します。猫たちは、のびのびと穏やかに暮らしながら来島される方々にたくさんの癒しを提供してくれることと思います。来島される皆さまは、そんな猫たちとの触れ合いや「田代島 島のえき」を目一杯楽しんでいただきたいです。

※ここでいうお世話する猫とは、「田代島 島のえき」に暮らす60匹強の猫と、猫に対する考え方が共有でき、また要望に応じて島のえきからキャットフードを提供している一部の島民さんがお世話をする猫であり、合わせて約100匹程の猫を指します。島内の全ての猫をサポートできているわけではありませんのでご承知おきください。また、弊社・合同会社くらしごとは、政治・宗教活動には一切関与・協力はいたしません。

The cats under our care (※) number around 100, and they require approximately 250kg (equivalent to about 100,000 yen) of cat food per month. While the situation of our store’s operations has gradually improved with the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to the visits from many people, including those from abroad, we still face many challenges. These challenges include the medical treatment of the cats, purchasing therapeutic diets, maintaining and improving our facilities, and more. We kindly ask for your support through physical donations of cat food for their daily meals. Currently, through on-site donations for cat food, we have been able to secure approximately 100kg of supplies on a regular basis. We have published the remaining needs on an Amazon wishlist and are actively seeking physical donations. We sincerely appreciate your support in any way possible.


In our support request list, we select items that are eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime, or if not, those that specify ‘free shipping for the first purchase only.’ If you can support us with the same item more than once, please be aware that shipping costs may apply, so we kindly request your attention when making your selection.

We (Kurashigoto LLC) have the privilege of operating “Tashiro Island – Shimanoe” and are dedicated to providing the best hospitality to those who visit while contributing to the happiness of the island’s cats. The cats live freely and peacefully, offering a lot of comfort to those who visit. We hope that everyone who comes to the island can enjoy interacting with these cats and making the most of their time at “Tashiro Island – Shimanoe.”

※ When we refer to the cats we care for, it includes the approximately 60 cats residing at “Tashiro Island – Shimanoe” and a select group of island residents who share a common philosophy regarding the cats and provide cat food from the Shimanoe for them. In total, this amounts to around 100 cats. Please note that we do not provide support for all the cats on the island. Additionally, Kurashigoto LLC does not engage in or cooperate with political or religious activities in any way.